Battery Forum Poland

Battery Forum Poland is taking place between the 22 and the 24 of May 2024 in Ptak Warsaw Expo – the Largest Trade Fair and Congress Centre in Central Europe, located in Warsaw, Poland. The conference is industry-specialized with a focus on fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange between professionals in battery technology and their stationary applications.

By bringing together prestigious professionals from diverse sectors, fostering professional connections, and showcasing the latest technologies, the forum sets the stahe for a brighter and more sustainable future in energy starage and power supply. The event is designed to facilitate networking by providing a networking station, an exhibition fair as well as informal gatherings, where attendees can engage with industry leaders, experts, and peers.

By applying as an exhibitor, you will have the opportunity to promote your business to a wide audience from Poland and the rest of Europe. Another important aspect of the conference are the educational panels and discussions, which allow participant to gain valuable knowledge that they can later put in practise to revolutionize their practise in the battery sector.

Find out more here.